Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Day a Grown (Young) Man Cried

Just thought I'd put in a shameless plug for Kristie Braselton's newest CD: "Composition". Her 3rd song on there: "Faith without Fire" is amazing. The song tells the story of Bonnie Codier, evbc's "resident Job," as Kristie says. Bonnie has been in the hospital for months on end... through intense pain and numerous surgeries. When "Faith without Fire" came on and I figured out who the song was about, I cried.

For those of you that know Bonnie's story (which is anybody reading this), please use this link and sign her guestbook.

Then buy Kristie's CD. It's amazing.


Brian said...

Jonathan- you have such great heart to encourage people. Yes, that song brings tears to my eyes as well. Hey, I put a link on my page to your blog and also mentioned your name in my latest post! Hope you are well!

Amy said...

JONATHAN!!! You have a blog! Welcome to the blogosphere...hahaha...I hope that you're doing well in Washington...I want to hear all about it. Anyways, let me know...and if you would like to visit my blog it is By the way, Faith Without Fire is an AMAZING song! I love it! God bless!

Heather said...

I am so excited to see your blog...And now we can keep up with what is going on in your crazy life. So good to hear from you!