This weekend some of us Moody students went on a road trip to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to check out the boardwalk. After rounding the entire boardwalk in about ten minutes, Brian (from California) said what we were all thinking: "Well, that was disappointing." So we went to Canada.
Here are some things we learned about Canada:
1) Canadians supposedly sell milk in a bag.
2) Even Canadians haven't heard of milk in a bag. Maybe it's an Eastern Canada thing.
3) 80 kilometers per hour is 50 miles per hour.
4) Canadian stores do sell in bulk.
5) Canadian border gas stations don't have soap.
6) Most people don't live in igloos in Nelson, Canada.
7) Most people don't live in igloos in Nelson, Canada because the ice would melt whenever they smoke their weed.
8) Turns are easy to miss in Canada.
9) Canadian turns can be taken at 64 kilometers per hour.
10) Canadians do say "eh?"
11) Canadians don't say "hoser."
I also learned some stuff about northern Washington on the way back home:
1) American Border Patrol guards are fairly nice.
2) Black bears like to cross roads near border stations.
3) Black bears don't like to have their picture taken (the same goes for Canadian Border Patrol guards).
4) Animals like to stay near highways in northern Washington.
5) Deer are animals.
6) Deer have bad traction on highways.
7) Deer make a "thud" sound when hitting your driver's side door.
8) Contrary to popular belief, a doe can do somersaults.
9) Driver's side doors make a good collection area for deer drool.
10) Deer can jump off into a field within 10 seconds of being hit (they probably don't like to have their picture taken either).